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Alumnus Christian Ramon Larios is Technical Designer at 7 For All Mankind

Alumnus Christian Ramon Larios is Technical Designer at 7 For All Mankind

Christian Ramon Larios graduated in 2017 with his degree in Merchandise Product Development. He’s now a Technical Designer at Los Angeles premium denim label 7 For All Mankind. We caught up with him to find out more.

Tell us a little about yourself: Born and raised in Downey, California, and a child of the outdoors, I try to spend as much time as I can outside with my Ridgeback, Primo. My work ethic and adventurous attitude have allowed me to travel the world and pursue activities like camping, gardening, and generally staying active. Raised with the mindset of dressing well, I believe clothing is an opportunity to express a sense of pride and confidence; a notion which ultimately spurred me to attend FIDM and follow my passion for fashion. Having sporadically worked in various fields since leaving the military, I realized that fear of failure is what kept me from pursuing what I loved. Eventually, I learned that failure is a part of progress. I learned not to be afraid to "take chances, make mistakes, and get messy"—all things that helped me develop into the person I wanted to be.
Tell us about your position at Seven and your responsibilities: My main responsibilities include developing tech packs for our men’s denim team and communicating with our various vendors from China to Mexico. In addition to attending fittings and sending fit comments for current seasons, I also find time to assist and collaborate with our women’s team. By meeting deadlines and completing tasks assigned to me, I have enabled myself to cross train with other departments (pattern makers, sample makers, and designers) to further my personal and professional growth.
How do you feel FIDM prepared you for what you are doing now? I was surprised and at times overwhelmed by the amount of work assigned while I was at FIDM. The sheer volume of work due every week combined with personal engagements and priorities made for an incredibly challenging time.  Staying focused, dedicated, and carefully managing the balance between my academic and personal life were instrumental in solidifying the discipline I now rely on in the workplace. Finding a balance can be difficult at times, but it helped me keep my sanity during my time at FIDM. Every class I took at FIDM was relevant and engaging, preparing me for this new journey into the fashion industry.
Any advice for current FIDM Students? There will always be someone who is more talented, driven, or knowledgeable than you in any given area. Do not let that deter you. Instead, collaborate with those peers. More often than not, they will be eager to help you hone those skills you consider a weakness. Be open to critique or criticism and use it as a learning opportunity. Continue to focus on self-improvement and keep moving forward.
Find what you are passionate about and use that passion to guide you when working on assignments. When I was studying at FIDM, my focus was menswear and I injected this passion into many of my assignments. Every project I worked on was an opportunity to refine my craft and bring my vision of functional, well-constructed clothing, to life.
As a student, this is one of the few opportunities you’ll have to develop your knowledge base and experience, which will be crucial to your career moving forward. Your future self will appreciate all the hard work you invest now. 
What is your biggest goal right now? Professional and personal growth have always been my biggest goals. Setting realistic three year goals helps me stay focused. Life can be a war full of tiny battles where every day matters, and every battle won brings you closer to achieving those goals. Discipline and resolve is what helps me achieve my goals along with support from my family, friends, and coworkers.

Categories:  Merchandise Product Development Los Angeles Campus Alumni